Welcome to ACTMalaria.net - ACTMalaria (Asian Collaborative Training Network for Malaria) is an inter-country training and communication network which includes National Malaria Control Programmes of Bangladesh, Cambodia, PR China, Republic of Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. [ more about ACTMalaria ]
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ACTMalaria: How It All Began "... The outcome of the meeting was the creation of an informal network for malaria training at the national and international levels as well as the establishment of an information communication network. The collaborative group was named ACTMalaria ..."
The Training on Malaria Slide Bank was held at Dam San Hotel and Thanh Lich Hotel at Dan Lak Province, Vietnam on September 9 – 13, 2019. It was attended by 11 participants from four (4) countries: 2 from PR China, 2 from Malaysia, 1 from Papua New Guinea and 6 from Vietnam. Facilitating the training are the World Health Organization (WHO), ACTMalaria, NIMPE/IMPE Vietnam, the Provincial CDC and an Independent Consultant from the Philippines.
The training is designed for laboratory professionals involved in the establishment and maintenance of a national slide bank. The course aims to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills pertinent to the establishment of a national slide bank, in accordance with the WHO standards, to be able to provide good quality standard slides needed for various capability building mechanisms of the national malaria program in the field of diagnostics by microscopy.
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