Severity and mortality of malaria was high at the hard to reach area of Tachleik District, Eastern Shan State, Myanmar on 1999. There was a low literacy rate, poor health knowledge, low socioeconomic status, low accessibility to health center and quality drugs. Villagers find it hard and difficult to assess sickness even in the health centers. So, they consult to the person who is older, respected, more knowledgeable when they got any discomforts. Therefore, traditional healers, teachers, preachers, community health workers and the person who have experience with medicine were forced and to informal drug providers. Although they have no skill and no training for the malaria diagnosis and treatment, they treat the villagers as nearest Primary Drug Providers (PDPs). The villagers cannot assess the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
The pioneers train (21) PDPs for malaria diagnosis, appropriate treatment and personal protective measures were taught to them. The trainers convey the Malaria Health Education with tools, ITNs, RDT and ACT to the hard to reach community through PDPs. The severity and morbidity is very much few now. This is a pilot project for community based malaria control programme. Now, there are 13,000 village malaria volunteers already. Community Based Malaria control programme is deemed to be one of the way in eliminating the disease malaria.