Posted last Sep 23, 2014 2:55 am
ACTMalaria will be holding its second Special Attachment Training on Malaria Slidebanking, to be hosted and conducted by Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM), from 23 September to 2 October 2014. The training aims to develop capacity of the Malaria Microscopy Quality Assurance Team in establishing malaria reference slidebank for use in local training and assessments and contribute to the enhancement of collection of the regional slidebank. The WHO Collaborating Center for Malaria Diagnosis, RITM, Department of Health –Philippines has been jointly identified by WHO and ACTMalaria for this undertaking, primarily, to provide technical assistance and training in the establishment of a national slidebank.
Since 2004, ACTMalaria has collaborated with WHO (WPRO and SEARO) in setting up a bi-regional network to support quality assurance for malaria microscopy. The plans for the network were informally agreed by country participants at the bi-regional workshop on quality assurance for malaria microscopy in Kuala Lumpur in April 2005 and in the three consecutive ACTMalaria Executive Board meetings in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
In line with the support of WHO for malaria microscopy Quality Assurance in the region, was the establishment and maintenance of national slidebanks for the purposes of improving standards of training and assessments conducted in the countries. The creation of this malaria slidebank is to be guided by the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) developed for the purpose of making high quality malaria slides available for training and reference, both for the national and global level.
Participants will be composed of nominated senior malaria microscopists who should be of national or central level based staff, have already been trained on Basic Malaria Microscopy (following WHO Standard laboratory procedures), with at least 3 years of field and laboratory experience on malaria microscopy and is able and willing to train others. WHO ECA accreditation as level 1 or 2, is desirable but not required. Training expenses will be covered by ACTMalaria Foundation Inc and CAP-Malaria.
2nd Special Attachment Training on Malaria Slidebanking
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